Resultado de la búsqueda
17 documentos en 0,11 segundos
responden a los criterios que formulaste
(que contengan las palabras
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2 |
Clasificación |
Cutter |
Título |
Autor |
Autores |
Media |
Copias Disp. |
Edición |
782 CAR | DONACIÓN | América sings : stories and sngs of country's growing |
Carmer, Carl |
Carmer, Carl |
Libro |
1 - | 1942 |
782 CRA | COMPRA | American Folk songs for children in home, school and nursery school. |
Crawford Seeger, Ruth |
Crawford Seeger, Ruth |
Libro |
1 - | 1948 |
782 CRA | COMPRA | Animal folk songs for children : tradicional American songs |
Crawford Seeger, Ruth |
Crawford Seeger, Ruth |
Libro |
1 - | 1950 |
782 SEE | COMPRA | Animal folk songs for children. |
Seeger,Ruth |
Seeger,Ruth |
Libro |
1 - | (circa 1957) |
782 THO | COMPRA | Ballads |
Thorpe, Bee |
Thorpe, Bee |
Libro |
1 - | 1973 |
782 SCH | COMPRA | Christmas Carols |
Seleccionados Por Karl Schulte |
seleccionados por Karl Schulte |
Libro |
1 - | circa 1959 |
782 BER | DONACIÖN | Complete nursery song book. |
Bertail, Inez |
Bertail, Inez |
Libro |
1 - | 1947 ; 4a reimp. 1963 |
I 823 PEN | DONACIÖN | Jamberry |
Degen, Bruce |
Degen, Bruce |
Libro |
1 - I | 1990 |
782 WOL | DONACIÖN | Music round the clock |
Wolfe, Irving |
Wolfe, Irving |
Libro |
1 - | 1957 |
782 WOL | DONACIÓN | Music round the town |
Wolfe, Irving |
Wolfe, Irving |
Libro |
1 - | 1957 |
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